Sunday, February 1, 2009

UMMMMM......Finally a new post!!!

Well I know its been a long time since I updated pictures on here, it is really hard to keep up with all the things we have going on daily!!!! Everyone has been great though. Brayden turned 1 on Noveber 20th and we had a Elmo themed B-day party for him. Christmas was a blast this year because Brayden was into everything and was able to open most of his gifts on his own. It was funny because when we put the tree out this year all the ornaments had to start about 3 feet from the bottom.....Brayden did a good job at not messing with the tree after a few days. Both Susan and my jobs are going good, Susans job is in a wait and see mode since her company was bought our a few months ago by Wells Fargo, I think her job will be fine though when it transitions to the new company. My job has been really busy, the downturn in the market hasn't affected commercial banking like it has the retail/housing side of the market. We are still managing over $1billion in commercial customers so it keeps me pretty busy on a day-to-day basis. Knockouts is doing awesome!!!!!! Each month we have done better then the previous month and we have been breaking even since the 1st full month open. January was our biggest month yet and we beat our previous month by quite a bit. The store keeps me busy but pretty much runs itself most of the time. Well, I hope all is well with everyone and I hope you all enjoy the new pictures!!!


Jeremy, Susan, and Brayden

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I know it's been a while!!

 time flies!! I figured it was time to do an update since it has been since June. Things have been very hectic with opening of our Knockouts location in Virginia Beach. Knockouts is doing great though and we are having a lot of fun!!! Anyway....on to more important things...Obama or McCain???? Just kidding....Brayden is doing awesome and it is so much fun to see him grow up. I think the last time I updated the BLOG Brayden was trying to crawl. Oh how times have changed! He will be turning 1 on November 20th and Susan is planning his little Elmo b-day. Brayden started walking a little over a month ago and he is non-stop running around the house. He is not a wobbly baby....he literally runs around the house. As soon as he realized that he could walk it was no turning back and full steam ahead. He is a riot though...whether its chasing the dogs, pushing toys around, or even moving furniture...he is just on the go all the time. Brayden now has 8 teeth and is getting his 9th tooth right now. He has also started saying a bunch of words, his favorite is go. He watches football and says "go, go, go" and he come and gets me all the time and wants to go places.....if he is out back and sees the boat he immediately wants to go out on it, he loves the boat. He also says shoes, socks, lalas(one of the dogs), dog, turtle, tickle, and fish. He is a little chatter box during the day and is trying to say other words but just hasn't unjumbled them yet. We take Brayden to the park and on bike rides all the time and he really enjoys getting out and seeing other kids. When he is at the park he tries to tackle the other little kids so he can give them all hugs...he is a very loving little boy and loves to hug all the other kids. On Halloween he was helping hand out candy and wanted to hug the kids when they came to the door. Susan was able to snap some pictures of him tackling the kids at the door!!! The funny thing was that he wasn't scared of the scary costumes that night! Not to much else has been going on...both Susan and my jobs are going well and my health has been OK other then a bout with kidney stones about a month ago....that was a lot of fun!!! Anyway.....enjoy the pictures and I will try to be better at updating the BLOG now that I have a little more time!


Jeremy, Susan, and Brayden!